
Fiscal News

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Deadlines to submit tax returns for the fiscal 2019

Royal Decree 465/2020, of March 17, modifies the Third Additional Provision of Royal Decree 463/2020,…

Summary of tax measures taken to combat COVID-19

The first measures in the fight against Covid-19 were approved by Royal Decree-Law 7/2020, of…

Extraordinary urgent measures to combat COVID19

Last 18 March 2020 was published in the Spanish Official Gazete the Royal Decree Law…

Urgent tax measures to respond to COVID-19 impact

In the Official Spanish Bulletin of March 13, 2020, Royal Decree-Law 7/2020,  published March 12,…
Contrato de arras

Should I sign an Earnest Money Agreement?

When buying a property, it is common practice to sign an Earnest Money Agreement (EMA).…

Earners in Spain pay less tax than the European average

High earners in Spain pay less in tax compared with the European average according to…

Inheritance tax: 10 times higher in G7 and EU countries

No inheritance tax in emerging economies such as China, India and Russia Major economies under…

Investing in Real Estate

Investing in real estate in Spain has increased substantially over the last few years and…
taxation between Spain and the USA

Modifications for avoidance of double taxation Spain/USA

On November 27, 2019 comes into force the Protocol that modifies the Convention for the…
Subida del 18% en los costes de importación

Spain sees a rise of 18% in a year

Spain saw a big rise in the cost of import duties in the past year,…

New tax treaty on Gibraltar

A New Tax Agreement between Spain and Gibraltar has been reached to protect the financial…

Form 179, new obligation for touristic properties

Form 179 establishes a new obligation to provide information on the use of properties with…

European Companies Face Taxes on Fuel 18%

Taxes amount to 60% of the cost of diesel in the UK, the highest in…

Multilateral convention to implement tax treaties

Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting